
This page contains all of the assessments and forms that are needed for client assessments. Below are instructions about completing and submitting client and caregiver assessments for training cases. Assessments for training cases need to be submitted pre- and post-treatment.

For Project BEST training cases with clients who are 7-17 years-old, both the client and their caregiver will complete assessments before and after treatment. If a client is ages 3-6 years-old, only their caregiver will complete assessments before and after treatment.

Registering & Completing a TF-CBT Training Case 

Getting Started: Registering a Training Case

Each training case has a unique Client ID that is provided when a participant submits the Client Registration Form to REDCap. Registered clients do not always complete treatment, therefore, we strongly recommend registering at lease 5 training cases during the first Action Period. Not completing two cases is the number one reason why a participant does not roster as a professional with Project BEST.

Administering and Submitting Assessments

You may download the Project BEST Assessment Toolkit below to use when administering the measures with clients and their families. During a SCLC, all forms and measures should be entered into and uploaded to REDCap upon completion. All forms and assessments throughout treatment should indicate the Client ID and Therapist ID at the top of each page.

Completing A Case

Families complete the pre- and post-treatment measures and paperwork to provide information about symptom improvement over the course of treatment. We strongly recommend that the family complete the measures indicated for pre-treatment in the Project BEST Assessment Toolkit as early as possible to assist with treatment planning and to determine if TF-CBT is, in fact, appropriate. Clinicians are to re-administer all appropriate measures to their training case at the end of treatment. We understand that participants might need a few sessions to complete these measures, so it is advised that participants plan how to best administer a few sessions before treatment completion. In addition, clients (7-17 years-old) and their caregivers should complete the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire and TF-CBT Client Services Questionnaire. To complete the case, you will need to score all post-treatment clinical assessment measures and enter them into REDCap within two weeks of completing treatment. You are required to complete two cases by the end of the collaborative.

Closing A Case

Upon termination of any registered training case, participants must complete the Client Treatment Exit Form and enter it into REDCap within two weeks of the final clinical encounter. This form should be completed for all cases, regardless of why and when the client exited treatment, including those who left treatment early, relocated, or successfully completed TF-CBT.

Assessment Downloads & Helpful Hints

Below is a list of the assessment measures to be administered at each timepoint (pre- and post-treatment) based on the client’s age bracket. All measures and instructions for administration are included in the Project BEST Assessment Toolkit

Pre-Treatment Assessment Measures to Administer

Clients Ages 3-6:
Clients Ages 7-17:

Post-Treatment Assessment Measures to Administer

Clients Ages 3-6:
Clients Ages 7-17:

Additional Downloads

CATS Scoring Sheet for 3-6 year-olds (PDF)

CATS Scoring Sheet for 7-17 year-olds (PDF) 

Spanish Assessments for Pre- and Post-Treatment Measures

MFQ Caregiver and Youth (PDF)

CATS Caregiver (3-6 version) (PDF)

CATS Caregiver (7-17 version) (PDF)

CATS Youth Self-Report (7-17 version) (PDF)